It is actually quite simple:
fun (noun): something that you enjoy, that makes you happy
Fun can also be used as an adjective
meaning enjoyable.
In this comic by Dan Gordon, the cat is having fun. The cat thinks it is fun hiding from the dog. He is having a great time!
Some other things that are fun:
- Eating lots of ice cream
- Going to the park
- Doodling in class

funny (adjective): something that makes you laugh
Funny cannot be used as a noun.
In this comic, also by Dan Gordon, the people are all laughing. They saw something that was very, very funny!
What do you think they saw??
One man says, "funniest thing I've ever seen!"
Funniest = superlative of funny, meaning it is the most funny thing he has ever seen.
Another man says "It's killing me!"
There is an expression in English: to die of laughter.
Some things that are funny:
- tripping over a banana peel
- jokes
Comics are fun, because they are enjoyable to read, and funny, because they make you laugh.
What are some things you find fun? What do you find funny?
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